October 7, 2024

Metal Detectors Find 1,000-Year-Old Viking Coins


Metal Detectors Find 1,000-Year-Old Viking Coins

By: Selena Zhu

Three metal detectorists have earned a spot in Denmark’s history by accident. They discovered two loads of Viking treasure. The treasure dates all the way back to over 1,000 years ago. Jane FogedMønster, Louise Stahlschmidt, and Mette Norre Bækgaard were trying to metal detect items they could sell when they stumbled upon two treasure hoards. The crew uncovered the treasure hoards and discovered silver coins. The two hoards were buried in the same field, about 164 feet (50 meters) apart. Among the 300 silver items found were many Danish, German, and Arab coins. The Danish coins date back to the religion of Viking King Harald Blåtand (958 – 987 CE).

“The two silver treasures constitute a fantastic story in themselves, but to find them only eight kilometers from Harald Blåtand’s Viking fortress Fyrkat is exciting,” says Nordjyske Museums archeologist Torben Trier Christiansen. “Experts say that treasures were buried around the same time the area was abandoned. This leads him to think that the monarch was forced out of the castle. He may have buried them before leaving the area.”

Sources: https://eb18600f7bb2916037f5ee8e636ce199.cdn.bubble.io/f1687710044742x414230805004307300/Amateur%20Metal%20Hunters%20Find%201%2C000-Year-Old%20Viking%20Coins%20In%20Denmark%20Kids%20News%20Article.pdf

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