July 7, 2024

Opera Singer Angel Blue Withdraw from Performance Because of the Venue’s Past Practices of Blackface

Sports & Arts

Opera Singer Angel Blue Withdraw from Performance Because of the Venue’s Past Practices of Blackface

By: Sarah Wang

Last Thursday, Grammy-winning soprano Angel Blue canceled her “La Traviata” debut at Italy’s Arena di Verona due to a past performance featuring singers in blackface. The production “Aida” showcased performer Anna Netrebko covered in makeup to make her appear darker.

Blue, who is black herself, didn’t want to associate with any establishment that was in support of blackface. She voiced her opinions on the topic further on her Instagram account.

“Let me be perfectly clear: the use of blackface under any circumstances, artistic or otherwise, is a deeply misguided practice based on archaic theatrical traditions which have no place in modern society,” she posted. “It is offensive, humiliating, and outright racist. Full stop.”

As a surprise to some, the Arena di Verona was in full support of Blue’s decision, even going so far as to question why she hadn’t withdrawn from the role sooner. The venue even planned to meet with Blue to further discuss the issue.

“We have no reason nor intent whatsoever to offend and disturb anyone’s sensibility,” the institution claimed.

Previously, the Arena di Verona had tried to defend “Aida” by brushing it off as a pure restaging of a 2002 Franco Zeffirelli production. Back then, blackface had not been such a serious topic. The spokesperson for Arena di Verona then stated that “it is very hard to change historical productions.”

Although the topic of blackface has been controversial in the media around the world, certain parts of Europe have continued to practice blackface, including Russia, where Netrebko is from.

The news of Netrebko practicing blackface comes at an inconvenient time in her career, her support of Vladimir Putin already drawing in reputation-tainting criticism. It caused her to cancel several performances in Europe and the U.S. after refusing to stop supporting Putin per the request of multiple venues.

Netrebko believes that blackface “maintains theatrical tradition” and uses it in many of her performances, “Aida” being her most recent one. In 2018, Netrebko had to resort to tanning for her role in “Aida” as an Ethiopian princess as the Metropolitan Opera where she was to perform prohibited her from using dark makeup on her face.

Many performers who were associated with the Arena di Verona went on to praise Blue for her withdrawal.

“This practice needs to stop and all the artists/administrations who support it should be put on blast so their support of racist practice can be brought to light,” wrote Ryan Speedo Green, a fellow opera singer.

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