July 7, 2024

Basketball Star Stephen Curry Shows His True Talent, Despite His Unique Trait

Sports & Arts

Basketball Star Stephen Curry Shows His True Talent, Despite His Unique Trait

By: Rachel Liao

In most basketball matches, the audience goes in expecting to see strong, tall, fast players. If a player doesn’t match this description, they can make up for it with some other type of extraordinary talent.

For American professional basketball “warrior” Stephen Curry, having a height of 6’2” would increase doubts about his chances of success from audience members. In most professional basketball settings, the average player’s height is 6’7”, so it would make sense that Curry’s shorter stature raises concerns about success. However, on the court, skill is all Curry needs, and he has plenty of it. He has proven this because he has just won the NBA Finals MVP award.

Several of the basic requirements for basketball are to be fast, agile, have muscular strength, confidence, and a reasonable height and age. Most importantly, every player needs to be willing to let that clock tick through the day as one spends hours on end in a basketball court, practicing drills. Players fall, but they always get back up. There may be consequences, there may be yelling, but in the end, the hard work is worth it.

Curry has lived this pattern for eight years, starting as a young team member with frail ankles to a dominant player in his victorious games. For this, he is not only known as a legend, but he also demonstrates what it means to be an influential leader.

His 11-time campion title has made him a “top-tier immortal” in NBA history, a highly unreachable achievement for many. He also shows a lot of maturity and skill for being a young 34-year-old. His perfection on the court is the source of uninterrupted applause, with uproars from the audience every time he displays his talent.

Despite his many fans, positive aspects, and amazing personality traits, there is always some to criticize. When you are as successful, rich, and famous as Stephen Curry, greed becomes an issue.

Certain people have regarded Curry as having a lack of situational awareness. For example, Curry does not like to move without the ball to help others get open. It’s also unfortunate how such a persistent and confident man, like Curry can be brought down by rigid generalizations and forced comparisons between him and all the other existing basketball stars.

“We’re getting away from appreciating,” Iguodala, the Finals NVP in 2015 said. “I call them gods – that very unique talent, generational talent. Because we are so close to them, we don’t appreciate them as much. When he’s gone, we’re really going to miss him and forget how much of an impact not just on the Warriors or the NBA but on the entire globe. You know, like he made the world move.”

This quote represents how the current comments on basketball players mostly regard their flaws in games, interviews, or even their relationships with the audience’s other basketball idols. The media’s fixation on negativity could lead fans to forget how much their favorite players have influenced the world with their integrity.

As a result, many are afraid that Curry will not be able to play forever, despite being attached to basketball so much, according to coach Steve Kerr.

Steph Curry, isn’t swayed by these pessimistic perspectives. He doesn’t need others to give him a title. He already knows that he’s the Man.

In 2016, Curry joined recruiting efforts for Durant, where he had to adjust based on his height and skill. After Durant left in 2019, Curry has brought the warriors a fourth championship after two tough seasons.

During Friday morning in Boston, Curry was interviewed. Wearing a black championship shirt, a white championship hat and goggles with sticking champagne bubbles, his attire was inappropriate for the occasion. This is where his humor also came into play.

His first question he answered was about winning the Finals MVP. He felt annoyed by this but still enjoyed the opportunity to provide a response while joking around.

Curry stated, “We’ve got four championships.”

From his brief reply, you can tell that he was thinking about winning a fifth one soon. This demonstrates his powerful mindset, and how confidence is key to also becoming not only a more dominant basketball player but also a successful person everywhere you go.

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