October 6, 2024

Alexander Campbell on a round-the-world hike for Fred Hollows Foundation

On the Fitz

Alexander Campbell on a round-the-world hike for Fred Hollows Foundation

By: Ethan & Connie Cao

Taking a vacation by traveling on foot is a very difficult way of transportation. It is very tiring, especially compared to a plane, you can chill and eat things while hurtling through the air. However, on foot, you have to walk for a very long time and you cannot relax as often.

Who would walk so far? Alexander Campbell has walked through 30 different countries and 4 different continents. Why? He simply wanted to donate to a foundation, the Fred Hollows Foundation.

He walked because Alexander Campbell simply says “I really like walking”.

The trip has raised much-needed funds for the Fred Hollows Foundation, which treats and prevents blindness and other vision problems across the world.

Mr. Campbell started his epic journey from the Opera House in February and made his way through western Sydney to Penrith and onto the Blue Mountains.

“I love the lifestyle. I get nice views,” he said.

“I am now on the national trail which goes up north and then I will cut across to Darwin.” Says Mr. Campbell, a seasoned walker who claims he never gets injured or hurt. When asked about his motivations, Mr. Campbell said “I wanted to do something bigger than I had done before, across multiple years and it snowballed from there to the point I said ‘Why not do the whole world,”

Mr. Campbell said the longest he has ever walked in a day was about 74 kilometers but had been averaging about 40 to 50 kilometers daily before he sets up camp.

The rough schedule will see him walk for four years but he will adjust if he gets injured, has severe weather, or “gets tired of walking”.

Mr. Campbell said he saved up before embarking on his journey but would be living on the “bare minimum” throughout the walk.

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