October 5, 2024

First Japan, and Now Europe?

On the Fitz

First Japan, and Now Europe?

By: Jaden Sun

The development of devastating heatwaves

During the Summer of 2022, Asian countries such as Japan have been suffering from lethal heatwaves. These heatwaves so hot that it is dangerous to turn off air conditioning. But now, the same fate has impacted Europe, more specifically, France.

The heatwave caused French pavement to melt. Instead of worrying about how the sun was a deadly laser, the French were worried about the Tour de France, a 30-mile annual bike race because the pavement would melt, not allowing the bikers to, well, bike.

What is happening that is causing the sun to literally melt rock? What is happening that caused Japan and France to experience death-inducing UV rays? According to Nasa kids, these events are occurring because of the tons of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone that are the result of burning huge amounts of carbon-related substances. These gasses impact the ozone layer in a negative way, bursting the bubble that once protected us from the sun’s wrath. The ozone layer can be saved, as it could regrow, but that means that we have to cut our carbon emissions. This is detrimental for some countries as factories are the main source of income for millions.

The real question is, are we next?

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