October 6, 2024

The Mysterious Watch

On the Fitz

The Mysterious Watch

By: Cathy Cai

Beep! Beep! Beeeeeep! Kathryn woke up to the sound of her watch beeping. ‘’Ugh, it’s only 6:40 am, 20 more minutes,’’ moaned Kathryn. Little did she know, time stopped as she went back to sleep. Kathryn was about to face an extraordinary adventure. 20 minutes later, ‘’Aaaah, finally I got some good sleep. It’s probably 7:00 am by now,’’ thought Kathryn. ‘’What?!” exclaimed Kathryn, ‘’it’s only 6:41 am, that can’t be possible?”

“I know that I slept for more than 10 minutes, so how come it was 6: 41 am when I woke up? I even checked my computer!” Kathryn panicked. “I can’t believe it, time has stopped, but how?” questioned Kathryn.

Later that day at school, Mrs. Hayes shouted, “Kathryn! Pay attention!” Kathryn’s mind was racing with theories about how time had stopped. “Kathryn! STOP DAYDREAMING!” Shouted Mrs. Hayes.

“Yes? Sorry” said Kathryn.

“Now, tell me the answer to question 32.’’ said Mrs. Hayes.

“Umm………… 48?” Kathryn answered hesitantly.

“Darling Kathryn, WE ARE DOING SCIENCE! Pay attention!” scolded Mrs. Hayes.

Several hours later back at home, “Hey mom, it is only 4:30 pm, I am going to the museum.’’ said Kathryn. She was hopeful that at the museum of technology, she could find out what was wrong with her watch. When Kathryn arrived at the museum she went up to an attendant.

“Hey sir, do you mind looking at my watch? I think there is something wrong with it.’’ asked Kathryn.

“Sure, but by the looks of it, I’s say it’s fine, but I will check.’’ said the man.

“Thanks.” Said Kathryn.

After looking at the watch thoroughly the attendant said, “Hey there is nothing wrong with your watch, if you thought there was something wrong with it, it was your imagination.’’ Strange, thought Kathryn.

“I only remember dropping my watch on the floor by accident yesterday and there might have been a flash, but other than that my watch is fine, and only this morning did it stop time, so that might mean the drop might have turned my watch into a watch that can control time.’’ Kathryn thought aloud.

As Kathryn pieced together her theory together out loud, she didn’t notice when she bumped into someone passing by her.

“Ouch sorry I bumped into you,” apologized Kathryn.

“No worries, but did you say your watch can stop time?” the stranger asked.

“Yeah, my watch can stop time, I discovered it this morning, it might even be able to control other stuff related with time. I don’t know how it happened, but I had a feeling about it this morning!’’ blurted Kathryn.

“Whoops, sorry I didn’t mean to take away any of your time by telling you that. Anyways, are you a scientist? Can you possibly explain how time stopped?’’ asked Kathryn.

“No, it’s okay, and no, I’m not a scientist and I can’t explain how but I am a VILLAIN and with that watch I can control the WORLD!’’ he exclaimed.”

“That is if you can catch me,” murmured Kathryn.

“Sorry, what did you say?’’ asked the villain.

“I said it’s already 6:30 and I need to get going to go home, bye!” said Kathryn

“Not so fast,’’ said the villain pulling her back.

“You are going nowhere but with me! Mwahahahaha!” Exclaimed the villain.

“Plus, nobody can help you because everyone else is gone!” said the villain.

“Nooooooo! You can’t just kidnap me and take me. Someone help me!” cried Kathryn.

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