October 7, 2024

Fire Rescue

On the Fitz

Fire Rescue

By: Vivian Hu

I saw fire-breathing dragons surrounding me. They breathed fire on me, and I stunk of smoke. Medusa breathed her poisonous breath onto me. Eww!

Disgusted by my dream, I woke up. I was very surprised to find corners of fire around my room. I rushed downstairs and told mom and dad “My room has fire in it!”

Mom’s reply was “I know. Your dad stayed too late last night cooking marshmallows and one of the embers got onto the house.” I gasped.

So, the house was really on fire? Somebody wasn’t pulling a prank on me, right? I looked around the house. Yup, it was real. I was scared. Would my shirt catch fire? Boy, I hope little Izzy isn’t still sleeping. If so, Dad would have to carry her out.

Little Izzy rushed down the stairs and ran out the door. We all followed her out. I pinched my cheeks. It wasn’t a dream, or a prank. This was real! What to do? What to do?

Dad grabbed the hose and started to spray the fire. But it wasn’t enough. The fire grew bigger and bigger, like it was shouting at us that it won victory. By the time the firefighters came, Dad was soaking wet and hugging his towel! (the hose ran out of control and sprayed him)

The firefighters put out the fire and checked if there was still anybody in the house. Nobody was there, so they left. We were all very, very lucky.

Our house had to be rebuilt after the major fire. Me and Mom designed the new house. I wanted it to be big, shiny, and pink and to look like a fairy castle. Mom agreed to my demands and so we had a sparkling fairy castle!

Mom climbed a ladder onto the top of the house and put a flag “The House Fire Family.” I know it sounds hilarious, but it reminds of that day. As Japanese people have said long ago, rebuilding a house after a major fire makes it even more beautiful, like winter snow melts and spring flowers bloom.

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