October 6, 2024

Prince George turns 9 years old

On the Fitz

Prince George turns 9 years old

By: Allan Wang

Recently, Prince George of the British Royal Family turned 9 years old. They celebrated this by releasing a photo on Friday of the boy wearing baby blue clothing and beaming. This photo was taken recently at a beach in Norfolk, in eastern England in part of Queen Elizabeth’s Sandringham estate. George, currently 3rd in line for the crown, had the picture taken by his mother, Catherine.

It has become an annual tradition for pictures of royal children being taken by a duchess to mark their birthdays. Generally, the royal children aren’t very public, but this year, during the Platinum Jubilee, they attended many public events. George’s younger brother, Prince Louis, became quite popular after his hilarious display at Buckingham palace. He was seen pulling cheeks, making faces, yawning, and other hilarious gestures.

Prince George was born with much attention as he was the first child of the royal couple and one of the next heirs. Later named George Alexander Louis, he is now formally Prince George of Cambridge. In 2015 his sister Charlotte was born and then Louis in 2018. George attended the Men’s Wimbledon, watching from the royal box at the finals.

George’s stories have dominated British newspapers – but so has another story. This story involves his late grandmother, Princess Diana. The BBC, or British Broadcasting Company said it would pay for substantial damages after BBC journalist Martin Bashir made false and malicious claims about Alexandra Pettifer, the former nanny of princes William and Harry. They had recently uncovered that Bashir used fake documents and deceitful behavior in order to get the interview. Since then, Bashir has left BBC. Diana’s brother, Charles Spencer tweeted that he welcomed the discovery but was disappointed that no criminal charges had been leveled.

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