October 6, 2024

Juan Soto Rejects A History’s Record-Breaking 15-year, $440-Million Offer

On the Fitz

Juan Soto Rejects A History’s Record-Breaking 15-year, $440-Million Offer

By: Albert Gong

The Washington Nationals considered trading Juan Soto for an offer of $440 million dollars over 15 years, the largest contract offer in Major League baseball history, turning this huge offer down.

Here’s why. Age 23, Juan Soto is an all-time star, widely famous and has been playing for the Nats since 2015. Soto has been asked to be traded from different teams. Juan Soto says, “I keep everything quiet and try to keep it just [to] me but they just [made] the decision and do whatever they need to do ”

Why did he want to stay? Soto does not want this offer to be public and that he’s been on the Nats team since 2015. Manager of the Nats Dave Martinez said, “ I’m sure it bothers him a lot but he’s got to understand that this is part of the game, right? We’ve all been through it at some point in time.”

The Washington Nationals have a low chance of increasing their offer later on in the future according to two people with knowledge of negotiating. After this 15 year offer Soto and General Manager Mike Rizzo meeted at Nationals park though details of this conversation was not known very well.

In the end Juan Soto closed this offer to continue with the Nats.

Link: chrome-extensio n://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:// s3.amazonaws.com/appforest_uf/f1658073741947x787468127694517900/Juan%20Soto%20rejects% 20%24440%20million%20offer%3B%20Nationals%20will%20explore%20trade%20-%20The%20Washington%20 Post.pdf

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