October 7, 2024

Man Disguised as Old Woman Throws Cake at the Mona Lisa

On the Fitz

Man Disguised as Old Woman Throws Cake at the Mona Lisa

By: Jenny Liang

On May 29, 2022, a man disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair with short black hair and lipstick threw a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa, a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

He used a wheelchair because people in wheelchairs can get closer than the other people at the museum

After the security guards escorted the man out, he stopped and said something about the earth in French. He said, “think about the Earth! There are people destroying the Earth. That’s why I did this then.”

As he was being escorted out of the building, the Louvre staff started to clean the glass case that the Mona Lisa was in.

The Mona Lisa has been in jeopardy before. In fact, it became famous after a big heist. The person who stole the painting was Vincenzo Peruggia. Taking it off the wall was easy because before, all the paintings were not behind glass. After he took the painting, he went to the backroom to outside, but it was locked; the janitor let him out and he made a run.

He hid the painting in his trunk for 2 years. Then he moved to Italy and took the trunk with him. He tried to sell the Mona Lisa to an art dealer, but they called the police, leading the Mona Lisa to be restored.

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