October 7, 2024

How Much Should Aaron Judge Be Paid by the Yankees

On the Fitz

How Much Should Aaron Judge Be Paid by the Yankees

By: Andrew Tan

Before the 2022 season, contract talks between Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman and Aaron James Judge began to heat up. Cashman said he would pay him 30.5 million dollars a year for seven years, while Judge demanded even more. In addition, Aaron Judge is helping the Yankees be successful as their bottom of their order is a funk. In the thick of contract talks, Judge’s camp has been asking for a 10—year, $360 million contract.

At Aaron James Judge’s first big league at-bat, the Yankee rookie outfielder hit a home run. From that moment, it was just a matter of time until Judge became the next big player in baseball. Here would be a good place to introduce the article’s main topi

In addition to that, Judge took home the American League Rookie of the Year honors in 2017. Back then, the team had a mediocre roster. However, thanks to Judge hitting a league-high 52 home runs, the team made the playoffs with 91 wins. Unfortunately, after defeating the Twins in the Wildcard game and the Indians in the ALDS, the Yankees fell short to the eventual champion Astros in the ALCS.

There are 162 games in a baseball season. In 2018, Judge played only 112 out of them, missing nearly a third. In 2019, he played only 102 games. In a Covid-19 shortened 2020 season, Judge played in less than half of the games.

Only two months into his sixth season, Judge has already hit 179 home runs, which is about an average of 30 a season.

The question remains: how much do you think Judge should be paid?


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