October 7, 2024

The Discovery of the shipwreck

On the Fitz

The Discovery of the shipwreck

By: Celina Cai

It was a beautiful summer day, and I hummed a happy tune as I went to the beach. Today my family and I were going to go on a tour of an ocean science lab. It would be the best day ever! We headed for the door. A fellow gentlemen greeted us at the door.

“Hi, there, you must be the Cai’s. I’m Nick, your guide. Follow me, please “He motioned for us to follow. We entered a room full of scientists. They were all working quietly. Suddenly, an alarm sounded. All the scientists stood up and hurried out the door, expect for ten of them. They stayed in the room, nervously. One of the ten scientists stood up and walked over to us.

“Hello, I am Amanda. I work here as one of the scientists. One of our scientists has found a big metal something underwater. We still aren’t sure what it is. They called it an emergency since We have been trying to find a very famous shipwreck. I cannot tell you the name of the shipwreck now. I stay in the laboratory to protect our equipment.”

“Why can’t you tell us the name of the shipwreck? I ask.

‘We have to keep it a secret,” Amanda explained. “Well, since you are here, I might as well give you a tour.” Amanda pointed and explained a bunch of different weird looking equipment. “Here is the microscope. We use it to look at microscopic animals. After a while, we were done. Then, another alarm sounded. This time, there were voices after it.

“Amanda,” a firm voice said. “I need you now. Please take a few people with you.”

“Umm, sure,” said Amanda. “But could I take my visitors.”

The voice hesitated for a second, then said “Sure but were going diving. Take the suits.”

After a while, we were on a boat, ready to go into the water.

“3, 2, 1, go!” The captain shouted. We all jumped in the water. I immediately spotted something sticking out of the sand. It looked like a part of a ship! I ran my hand over it excitedly. I had never been so close to a ship before! Soon enough, lots of other scientists came and heaved the boat out of the water with heavy equipment. I saw the name of the boat, but I can’t tell you. It’s a secret. We swam back to shore. Now that sure was an adventure!

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