October 7, 2024

Food Waste Turned Into Edible Cement

On the Fitz

Food Waste Turned Into Edible Cement

By: Max Cao

Scientists around the world have found, on June 10th, 2022, how to turn food waste into a substance resembling something like edible cement. This could help solve problems made by greenhouse gas emissions caused by food waste.

About a third of the world’s food goes to waste. The UN Environment Program Food Waste Index says that globally, over 900 million tons of food is thrown away yearly. Letting that food rot releases about 10% of greenhouse gases.

The researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed a method of using this food waste by turning it into a concrete-like building material.The edible cement can be made from just about any type of food waste. Over dated milk, banana peel, rotten apples, coffee grounds, cabbage leaves, you name it! Then, to actually make the cement, scientists dry the food waste first, and then crush into a powder. This powder can be compacted into a mould that will soon dry and turn into cement.

Most of the results of this process ended up even stronger than cement! Cabbage-cement worked the best. It ended up four times stronger than regular cement! Even better, this substance is biodegradable. This means that it breaks down much faster than other non-biodegradable objects. In addition, researchers at Japan say that, if you would like, you could make it edible by simply breaking it and boiling it!

Link: Scientists Find Way to Turn Food Waste into ‘Edible Cement’ – Twinkl NewsRoom.pdf

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