October 8, 2024

British gymnastics ‘must do more’ to protect children

On the Fitz

British gymnastics ‘must do more’ to protect children

By: Eric Zheng

Have you ever tried gymnastics? If so, did your parents force you to be perfect at gymnastics? That would be uncivil. Your parents probably wouldn’t force you to do gymnastics, would they? Well, this is what life is like as a British person learning gymnastics.

British children have been treated badly, the parents didn’t care about their children, they would force them to train even when they are injured or needed to use the bathroom. Charities want more than “wholehearted” apologies. To do this, they plan on adding more time for gymnastic classes. A charity called NSPCC has set up a helpline for children worried about their gymnastics.

The recent report described children not looked after, being treated inappropriately and abused. Many children were being treated badly because of not doing many movements correctly. Some examples of children’s punishments were standing on beams, sat on, etc. In the text” British gymnastics must do more to keep children safe” it said, “These included being made to sit in store cupboards if they cried or refused to perform a skill in training, being shouted at and called names, being forced to stan on the beam for an hour, and being sat on if they were not fully on the ground while performing the splits.” This meant that kids weren’t being respected properly. Many children had mental health because of this.

In conclusion, many children learning gymnastics are being treated badly, and many charities and organizations are trying to help those children.

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