July 7, 2024

Finding Inspiration by Playing Music to Plants

On the Fitz

Finding Inspiration by Playing Music to Plants

By Brayden Yin

The lights in the opera house dimmed, and the stage lit up. Four musicians started playing their instruments. When they finished, the audience did not clap. The opera house was silent… because the audience was an audience of  2,292 plants!

Where do musicians and composers get their inspiration?

Sure, the works done by the musicians may inspire people, but where do they get THEIR inspiration?

Movies, overheard conversations, dreams, and nightmares are all examples of inspiration for musicians. The opera house in Barcelona, Spain is an example of inspiration by nature. Eugenio Ampudia, the person who thought it up was inspired after the coronavirus pandemic spread to Spain. He said he found inspiration in nature.  The concert happened in an opera house on June 22. The plants were donated to health workers after the concert.  People are used to concerts where humans are the audience, but it is strange when the carrot next to you stands up on its legs (leaves?) and starts yelling “BRAVO”. 

Inspiration is everywhere. In TV, nature, and even rummaging around in your recycling bin.   These Spanish musicians are only a small percentage of the people who are inspired by the world around them.


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