October 5, 2024

My Encounter with the Pool

Personal Narrative

My Encounter with the Pool

By Logan

In the car, I tried to settle myself down as my mom kept saying, “Swimming is good for you.” As she parked the car in the pool’s parking lot, I had butterflies in my stomach.

As I walked in, my footsteps were loud as they echoed around the place. I was surrounded by water. The tiny waves beat the sides of the pool. The tiny waves seemed to go on and on and on. I looked into the vast ocean of water waiting for me. I swallowed the soggy air and felt the moisture build up on my hands.

As my mom let me go to talk to the instructor, I looked out at the water going up and down. I was extremely scared because I had heard that pools had killed millions of people and I did not want to be one of them. The water gushed merrily around me, but I knew that behind everything, the water was the most evil thing in the world.

I was fighting a war on the inside. My brain kept screaming to my muscles to run away. My muscles were paralyzed, too scared to move. I also was trying to tell myself that I will feel better once I jumped into the pool but the other side said run away.

Luckily my mom dragged me to the bathroom because I needed to change. I was happy with the more time to decide. The bathroom was not much better. It smelled as if I was in a trashcan and the air was thin and hard to breath. The moment my mom put me on the sticky changing station I tasted poop and other stinky stuff.

It was so stinky that I was distracted from my plan. As my mom pushed me to talk to the instructor I started to cry because I was so scared. The instructor was burly and had a lot of muscles. My mom forced me to squeak out a hi, then she started to talk to the instructor.

I wandered off as they were talking and I knew it was my time to escape. I started to run as fast as the wind, but the instructor saw me and ran like light. I started screaming and wailing as he chased me. Miraculously the side that told me to swim took over. I swerved left and jumped into the pool.

The water gushed around me as I smashed into the pool. The water was surprisingly cold as I sunk deeper and deeper into the treacherous pit. My eyes felt like they were going to pop as I tried to open then. I could not breathe. My lungs were filled with water. I felt like I was being sat on as I sunk deeper and deeper into the pool. I felt like I was going to die.

The last second before I probably was going to drown the instructor jumped in making a big splash. And saved my life. I quickly ran to my mom who looked was fidgeting with her hands. I hugged her and got her all wet.

My mom quickly dried me and dressed me. I was relieved and happy I tried. I probably was not going to swim for the rest of my life. My mom chatted with the instructor. While they were doing that, I was staring dreamily up at the ceiling knowing that I will not go back into the evil pool. After that day I was kept away from water because of that day. I am happy I will never ever swim.

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