October 5, 2024

Feb. 6 2023: Rock ‘N’ Roll Band (3-5)

Reading Labs

Feb. 6 2023: Rock ‘N’ Roll Band (3-5)

At our lab, we reviewed how an author or a poet establishes tone in their writing. We also talked about the impact of particular tones. Read this poem called “Rock ‘N’ Roll Band” by Shel Silverstein. Then, consider the following:

  1. Read this biography about Shel Silverstein. Write a short article highlighting the most interesting aspects of his life. Then express why young students should read his poems in a convincing and captivating way.
  2. Write a short, informative article about Rock ‘N’ Roll music and how it originated. Check out this link for more details. Be sure to discuss its impact on modern day history.
  3. Using this poem as inspiration, write your own work, which incorporates a particular tone in order to describe what your dream life would look like. Be sure to use interesting description and words, which express a particular attitude.
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