July 7, 2024

Reading Wonder Wednesday: Let’s wonder about…. Magnet Summaries!

Reading Labs

Reading Wonder Wednesday: Let’s wonder about…. Magnet Summaries!

What is the point? We’ve all been there. Rifling through those heavy textbooks, reading chapters upon chapters of what could be considered ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATION! You find that the entire textbook is riddled with facts that could be instrumental in the subject, but you just aren’t sure where to start.

Our students definitely understand this process – and especially, being the digital natives they are, they aren’t used to these large blocks of uninterrupted text. Instead, their lives are filled with scroll and swipe – not that there isn’t merit to this medium.

We just need to get them back in the saddle of gathering the stamina needed to persevere through those large blocks of meaty, dense novels – no offense Dostoevsky!

So, how do we do it? Magnet summaries! A visual medium of locating the subject of the text, important characteristics about the subject, and then important actions, behaviors or motivations. Then, put it all together into one concise sentence for notes or review! Check out the graphic below to see what this might look like.

Not only will this help after reading, but it also gives students a purpose while reading, so that they look for the subject of the text, main ideas, and supporting details as they peruse the text. And a way to stay awake while attacking it 😀

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