July 7, 2024

Reading Wonder Wednesday: Let’s wonder about…..Vocabulary Knowledge!

Reading Labs

Reading Wonder Wednesday: Let’s wonder about…..Vocabulary Knowledge!

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about how building background knowledge and encouraging visualization techniques are instrumental in reading comprehension. But, the problem is – none of these can happen if our children don’t understand what important words in the text mean.

Gone are the days filled with flashcards, rote memorization, and vocabulary tests. Using only these methods have been proven ineffective by many researchers. Instead, we have to focus on what Steven Stahl, professor and expert in reading instruction, says in his study “Four Problems with Teaching Word Meanings”: “Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world.”

In short, the best way we can teach our kids new words – and actually have them remember – is through exposure. Before your next outing this coming weekend, brainstorm the kinds of words your child might see. For example, if you’re going to the zoo, on some of the signs that identify the animals, you may see: nocturnal, mammal, reptile, zoologist, etc. Just prior to shuffling into the car, consider a discussion where you introduce these words with your child, either through library books, the Internet, or just a chat. Then, when you go to the zoo, point out these words; have your child see the importance in action!

Afterward, you could have your child call up a friend or a relative and tell them all about what they’ve learned at the zoo and encourage them to show off their knowledge of those new vocabulary words!

By having children experience the word in the real world, associate it with an experience, unpack its meaning through varying texts, and utilize it in their own speech, you’ll not only notice your child’s confidence grow, but you’ll also see their reading skills enhance! A win – win for everyone 🙂

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