October 6, 2024


Creative Writing


By: Bryan Zou

As May comes to an end,

The heat starts to rise,

The days lengthen,

And time starts to fly.

The months of school that seemed to last forever,

Passed like the blink of an eye.

All the memories of the year,

Seemed so close by.

As the last day arrives,

You close your eyes,

The highlights of your accomplishments,

The worst moments of the year,

All played like an awards ceremony,

That you find yourself sitting at.

The summer break you seemed to long for,

Was finally here.

School left you waiting for more,

But now that it has arrived,

Even walking at the beach shore,

Wasn’t reviving at all.

You thought it would fly by,

But weeks felt like centuries.

Your friends all left for the sky,

While you were left on the ground,

Begging for something to do.

Sitting in the same chair for hours,

You question what’s left for you to do,

Anything with friends felt empowering,

While your hobbies felt so few.

Each day accompanied with blazing heat,

It was like an eternal hell,

With an endless repeat.

As the days go by,

You find yourself wishing for school,

Despite hating it before,

You couldn’t deny,

That talking with friends was the greatest joy of all.

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