October 6, 2024

Her Shattered Silence

Creative Writing

Her Shattered Silence

By: Grace Cao

“Dinner’s ready!” Anna calls as she gently places the steaming hot plate of mashed potatoes and steak on the dining table. The steak is seared to perfection; slightly charred on the fatty bits and perfectly medium rare, just how her husband likes it. The creamy mashed potatoes are drizzled with a thick gray-brown gravy made from chicken stock. She sets down an expensive champagne glass and fills it with the infamously lavish Dom Perignon 2010. Mr. Augustine Sinclair, her millionaire husband, thunders down the stairs.

Anna hurries into the restroom as Mr. Augustine Sinclair sits in one of his exquisite carved sandalwood chairs. He cuts into the tender slab of meat and brings the piece up to his mouth. Anna can almost see the man’s eyes roll to the back of his head as he chews. He sighs, contently, and swallows.

“How is it, Auggie?” Anna asks nervously, fidgeting with her fingers. She had taken some time in the bathroom to try and appear presentable. There were still streaks of white flour in her golden-brown hair and a dash of gravy on her apron.

Augustine looks her up and down and grimaces. Then he shrugs. “It’s alright,” he mumbles, clearly irritated. He takes another bite. Chew, chew, chew, swallow. “It’s slightly dry,” he complains. Augustine wipes his mouth with a freshly ironed linen cloth and tosses it aside. He taps his glass.

“Right, sorry,” Anna hurries to the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of champagne. She pours him another glass, making sure to fill it slightly above halfway. Augustine casually grabs the stem of the glass and takes a sip. Then he waves, and Anna scurries away.

As she strolls down the long hallways of their 7-bedroom mansion, her mind wanders back to when Augustine first courted her.

Anna was in university, seeking a bachelor’s degree in astronomy. She was also a barista at the local coffee shop. Augustine was a regular. He visited Anna every day during her shift, claiming to be “absolutely obsessed” with the iced mocha latte. They both knew darn well that the only thing Augustine was absolutely obsessed with was Anna’s perfect, dainty face. Soon enough, he had asked Anna on a date at a pricey restaurant on the rich side of town. Being a broke university student, Anna could not resist.

After a series of dates, Augustine asked her to make them official. She was hesitant but agreed after he asked for the third time. Anna knew Augustine had enough money to care for her for a thousand lifetimes. She was also aware of the power and status he held in the shady world of business.

Their marriage was alright at first. Anna tended to her tasks as a housewife. Cooking, cleaning, and anything else that had to be done around their massive house. Augustine was the breadwinner. He worked long hours and often came home exhausted every night. Regardless, Augustine still made time to criticize every single one of Anna’s puny mistakes. Because of this, Anna learned to mold herself into Augustine’s submissive little doll.

Anna was walking over eggshells every second she was around him.

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