October 9, 2024

The Forbidden Library

Creative Writing

The Forbidden Library

By: Leo Jiao

Long ago, when books were not standard, a secret library was laid in the deepest jungles, guarded by fierce beasts and dangerous traps. A curious kid by the name of Tom wanted to read more books, as he was a curious and good child. He started his journey by asking for a map from an immortal, which was quite common in those times, before the barrier was set. He climbed mountains of one hundred thousand feet, swerving around monsters, and going through seas of fire. He finally found the immortal, who told him that he had to pass three tests in order for the key and the map to the forbidden library. In the first trial, he had to remove an eye from the Kraken.

Everyone from the East knew what the Kraken was: a ferocious monster who wouldn’t hesitate to devour anyone whole. Tom, knowing that he can never challenge the Kraken face to face, used a clever deception tactic. He threw fish in an open cage and proceeded to close it after the Kraken was trapped. He then sliced off one eye of the Kraken. People who saw the legendary feat spread the story far. Tom’s fame was growing.

The second trial was to steal a piece of gold from the dragon’s den. The dragon was so picky, that even one piece of gold was glued so tightly that even the strongest of men could not remove it. Tom needed to make a deal with the dragon, so he went to the dragon’s owner and pleaded with him to get the gold.

Lastly, he had to meditate at the peak of a thousand souls and bring back one specific soul. This was hard as he had to go through thousands of areas and find the specific soul. It took him a long time, but he did it.

Finally, Tom got his map, and he is still in the library. If you want to see him, go to a library, and there is a 1% chance that he will be there.

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