October 9, 2024

The Surfster

Creative Writing

The Surfster

By: Jace Hill

One day in California, there was a kid. His name was Eliza. He surfed a lot. He loved surfing so much, he did it almost every day. One day by the coast, some nuclear plant company decided to dump nuclear waste into the ocean. It got onto a fish that was fine after. It did not die. It simply swam over to the beach where Eliza was surfing, and bit him. Many other surfers around him saw it and took him to the hospital. After they took him to the hospital, they asked the nurses if he was going to be okay. They said that he was going to be okay, but there was an abnormal amount of water in him. The nurses said that it was probably just that when the fish bit him, water entered his bloodstream. But at that, they weren’t wrong. With the fish’s toxic bite, combined with the water entering his bloodstream at the same time, he was able to create water from his fingertips and feet.

After Eliza figured this out for himself, he was thrilled. He could surf anywhere, on land and on sea, without a surfboard. One day he was out on the ocean surfing some waves when somebody screamed for help. Eliza immediately used his surfing abilities to come to the rescue. He grabbed the woman from the water and launched her onto dry land. She thanked him and he rode away with pride. He decided he needed to be a surfer hero. The Surfster.

He found out that the woman had been drowning from something tugging her under the water. Eliza went to the site and looked under the water. There was not anything there. He wondered what it was. Until he came up with a genius plan. He decided to stay not too far from the area, but to stay close to it and wait for another surfer to come there, possibly get caught by the thing pulling surfers under, and snatch it to prevent it from happening again. He only had to wait for about 10 minutes before a man’s surfboard swept from underneath him, and something started grabbing his ankles. Eliza yanked the man out of it, and then dove into the ocean. The one thing he did not know was that it was five feet deep. He slammed into the ground and felt something like seaweed. He grabbed it and surfed out of the water as fast as he could. It was a man. But a man that looked a lot like seaweed. In fact, he was made of seaweed. So Eliza surfed to the police station and took Seaweed Man in for trying to drown people.

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