October 6, 2024

Catholic Education at Strake Jesuit

Creative Writing

Catholic Education at Strake Jesuit

By: Preston Lee

Explain how the catholic education you will receive at Strake Jesuit can help you mature and grow over the next four years

I would like to apply to Strake Jesuit because the bright community would enable me to become a well-rounded student. Through the school’s strong arts, sports, and academic programs grounded in the principles of the Catholic Church, I hope to grow into a well-disciplined and knowledgeable “Man for Others.”

Faith is one of the most important things in my life, and I channel it primarily through praying and attending mass. It is the basis of my religious beliefs, it is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things unseen (Hebrews 11). For me, faith is not only a commitment to God but to the church and community. I have become accustomed to attending mass and praying since the fourth grade when I began at Saint Laurence. I admire how the Strake community values faith as one of the most important ideologies of life, whether it comes from helping the community or spreading the word of God. I am especially passionate about Strake’s commitment to supporting students as they engage with service work. Currently, I am aiming to complete my ten service hours for the Saint Laurence Leos club. So far, I have ran a stand in the school’s bazaar, packed lunches for people in need, and loaded donation food packages into a truck to send to the community. I hope to continue this commitment to community service at Strake.

In terms of academics, it would be a privilege to immerse myself in Strake’s prestigious programs. I love the balance that the curriculum offers; while I am interested in math and computer science, I would also enjoy experimenting with new subjects such as Chemistry. In my free time, I enjoy reading action and adventure stories. Also, Strake’s block schedule will definitely work for me, as it allows me more time to prepare for each subject. I can not wait to experience the block schedule. I would be excited to extrapolate the skills I learn from the classroom into the real world because I understand Strake’s emphasis on the experiential application of learning.

Another reason I would like to attend Strake is the athletic program and clubs. When I first started playing tennis, I was inspired by Rafael Nadal to become one of the best players in the world. I have played tennis for two years and would like to try out for the Strake’s team. A robust sports program is very important to me because I love pushing myself not only in the classroom but on the courts as well. Because Strake offers the unique opportunity to play against public schools, I could improve myself to become a much stronger player by getting the opportunity to play more.

Aside from tennis, I am also thrilled at the prospect of joining Strake’s clubs. I am very excited about the prospect of joining Debate, FIRST Robotics, and Computer Programming. I am also impassioned by Stake’s mission trips, such as the possible retreats and community service.

Attending Stake would expand my empathy, deepen my relationship with God, broaden my basis of knowledge, and push me to try new things. If I have the opportunity to attend Strake, I know I will use all the resources that Strake has to offer to make myself a stronger person. Strake will also shape me into a more well-rounded citizen, and it will help me succeed in college and beyond. I hope that with Strake’s strong faith background and academics, I will flourish to be a positive young man for our community.

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