October 7, 2024

Diary of Corona

Creative Writing

Diary of Corona

By: Jessie Sha


Today is a Monday. I hate Mondays, so I guess today I will just meet up with my friends and land on some horrible humans and make them hate Mondays just as much as me and my friends.


Today is going to be so fun! My friends and I are going to meet up in New York Times Square! So many people; it’s going to be exciting to finally hang on some people!

It’s 11 PM now, I just got back from New York Times Square! Guess what, people are now hating on me and my friends! Like what did we do, we were just having fun!


Today, there isn’t ANYONE outside and I’m bored to death. Wait, I can’t die of boredom right? I hope not. My friends (my sister, Covid Alpha and Flu) just informed me that the whole reason there is no one outside is because the government decided to lock them away like prisoners. The nerve of the government to take away my fun! Shouldn’t that be illegal? Ugh, anyway, I guess I will have to find a way to get my fun back.


Still no one has left. I should just come up with a way to get to them instead of waiting for them to come to me. Wait… I’m a virus, so I can just ride on anything and get into where they are hiding! Yes, I need to tell all my friends, and try it out tomorrow.


Yes, my plan is working! I am having some fun and finding people, instead of people finding me. Even if they look for me as hard as I look for them, I don’t think they could find me. I’m way too small for them to see. But they did invent this tiny little thing that can see basically anything too small. Oh, no, I hope I don’t get caught then.


My plan is in full effect and all my friends told all their friends and word got around pretty quickly. But today it seemed that there were less people to attack. Wait, does that mean that my fun will be ruined again! Ugh, why even bother? I’ll just find some people who aren’t in the US.


Based off of my research, China has the largest population, so my friends and I decided to go there. We’re leaving now!


We made it! Now, we just need to find some people to land on and survive off of. But there’s a rumor going around that the US has started to create things to kill us forever. Wait, that means I can die! NO! Anyway, since I’m in China right now, I won’t die, right?


Well, it turns out, the person that I was hanging out on is now stuck at home! Ugh, now I can’t go anywhere because China is on lockdown too. Great. I would leave, but I’m stuck, all the windows are locked, the doors are locked, EVERYTHING! Ugh, I guess I’m stuck here until they open the door and I escape.


There isn’t anything to say, but I’M STILL STUCK!!!!! THIS IS GETTING SUPER ANNOYING!! Anyway, I heard that they are going to open the door tomorrow, so I can escape and be free!


FINALLY! They opened the door! But, the people who were at the door were completely covered in this weird white coat? I don’t know, but it definitely made it hard for me to stick to them. Once they left the building, I saw more of the same people. I decided it was best if I left to another place again. This whole thing was just getting annoying now.


I made it somewhere else, but it seems that the whole world hates me and is on lockdown. Great, I guess I will stay outside where there are some interesting things, like-like birds! Ya, so great.


Looks like there is nowhere to go. I am now accidentally stuck on someone and can’t leave. Ewwww, some long stick just got stuck into their nose and…and YAY!!!! I’m OUT! Wait, what is that? Why are they looking at me? Oh no, I have been caught!


Well, looks like I’m their new test subject, great. I heard they are planning to kill me! Oh no! I don’t want to die!


Corona has died.

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