October 7, 2024

Dear Diary,

Creative Writing

Dear Diary,

By: Shirley Deng

It is the 13th of March and the world has shut down because of ME- The coronavirus. I shut everything down, including stores, restaurants, traveling, and much more. I feel as though I accomplished much in the past 4 months, as I was only discovered in December 2019 and yet I’m so famous. I have many surprises up my sleeves for the next coming weeks… or months? [nice!]

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

March 27th, 2020

Dear Diary,

It has been two weeks since the shutdown began. I have been slowly affecting more and more people. Unfortunately, the quarantine is making my efforts at world domination much harder. I wish that I could get more people sick, but everyone is indoors. More updates next time.

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

December 8th, 2020

Dear Diary,

Currently nothing new has happened. I dislike this “quarantine” that is going on. I can not affect as many people as I would like to. But some good news is that children now have to study online! At least I’m making some change in the world. Not the kind I want but it’s progress. Hopefully in the near future I will be forcing people to go out.

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

January 1st, 2021

Dear Diary

Happy New Year! My impact is making a difference. The number of new cases each day is reaching 500-700. My goal is to reach 2,000 cases so Mother will be proud of me. I hope that I can make the number go up even more. By this point, my world domination is being called a “pandemic”. I feel so famous! I do believe that they are making a “vaccine” for me, but I don’t see the reason. I should just infect everyone and then disappear. Now, I’ve got to go. I have an important business meeting with some new people…

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

April 24th, 2021

Dear Diary,

I have some exciting news! I reached my all-time goal of 2,000 new cases in a day on January 12th. Mother was so proud of me she gave me gifts. I got new variants of myself. Isn’t that so exciting? I got Alpha, Delta, and Omicron. I can’t even express the new found happiness I got from them. Maybe this will stop the “vaccine” from working or make life for the humans much harder. These humans have been wearing this piece of fabric called a “mask”? I don’t understand why they need protection against me as I’m not THAT harmful. Yes, I give out lung problems, a cough, and a fever but come on! It’s really not that bad. Granted a couple million people have died from me, BUT I’m just helping reduce the population. Think about the positives, humans. Well, those are my updates. Until next time!

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

August 24th, 2021

Dear Diary,

It’s the start of a new school year. This means that children will be in close contact with other children and then it becomes a whole chain of events. One kid will get sick, then another, then another. Oh Mother will be so proud considering I’ve been a disappointment because my numbers are declining. Well, that’s all. My life is so boring right now I NEED some drama.

Yours Truly, Coronavirus

December 12th, 2021

Dear Diary,

So, many earthling creatures have been reading my diary, and I don’t appreciate it. Personal privacy much? Though many of them have been writing to me about Mother so here is my description: Mother is interesting to say the least. She’s known as the “flu” or “influenza”. Mother also loves change and making human life difficult, which is why she goes through many forms throughout the year. Although, I know I’m her offspring because I give the same symptoms as her but worse. Hehehe. If a human got both of our “diseases”, then it will feel like their lungs are collapsing, and they feel like they are being boiled alive. Honestly, that sounds fun. My dear readers, who have no idea what privacy is, that is Mother. Your Welcome.

Yours Truly, Coronavirus.

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