October 7, 2024

You’re a … Virus?

Creative Writing

You’re a … Virus?

By: Ethan & Connie Cao

Hi! M-my name is Covid-19, and I wanna tell you my life story t-today! Seeing all “my friends” hide away from me is very annoying. I love playing tag, in any case. Doesn’t everyone like tag? Ahh, look, there is someone there! Oh, I’m just going to tag that guy. Haha! You’re it! Yay! Now, we can play with each other! The guy was laughing so hard and he fell, took out his phone from his pocket, and dialled 9-1-1. In a few minutes, the sirens are screaming! They take him, and oh no! He is going! Now I have to find someone else…

I have n-no friends; every one of my friends is hiding, and the others are laughing so hard. I have to find my friends. I go into houses as a ghost, and people keep disappearing. What is wrong? People are scared, so I decide to protect them and gather near them.

This process has kept repeating for two years or so. People all left their houses and went to get a needle shot. Are they okay? I must check on them! Later, I went to an empty home and watched TV; they mentioned my name and said I was “killing” everyone. Huh? What could I possibly have done? Every morning, I would walk around my neighbourhood and see little children going to school wearing a mask. They were all scared of something.

A year later, the masks started disappearing. People became brave to return to their normal lives. Good for them! Sooner or later, I will be gone and will be left in the past. I’m sorry to cause such a huge mess.

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