October 7, 2024

Surprise Death

News The Journal 2024

Surprise Death

By: Jessie Sha

“You’re early,” says Death, with a hint of surprise.

“What?” I ask, looking him in the eyes. I had been admiring the elegantly carved obsidian until I heard him talking.

“Nothing,” he mutters. He coughs, then pulls out a piece of paper and a fountain pen. “Age?”

“Cause of death?”

“War. I’m not exactly sure, but I think it was an arrow.” He scribbles on the page, then speaks again.

“You-you’re here early. That doesn’t make sense. I never get this wrong.” Death paces back and forth.

“Hah, well I guess this is the first time you are wrong.”

“No, no, it can’t be.”

“Yes, it can, everyone makes mistakes. I guess you just don’t do it often.”

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s you.”


“Shhh, come with me,” he waved at someone slouched on the floor. “Balor, take over. I have something to do.”

Death floats soundlessly to the right hall. I follow him down the hall. I stare up into the domed glass ceiling. I can still see the light of the sun as if I was stuck in another building, but not dead. I keep walking and then I suddenly hit something cold.

“Watch it,” Death grumbles.

“Sorry,” I whisper back. I drag my gaze back to the front and notice a huge well.

“Come look.” I inch closer to the giant well, careful not to fall in. It fills slowly with a royal blue liquid that is so still it looks solid. Death taps his finger too many times to count and slowly, an image appears.

“It-it’s me.” I gasp. I’m lying on someone’s leg and a finger is over my mouth. “What are they doing?” I ask, staring at my still body.

“Watch,” is all Death says before vanishing into dust.

“What the—” I interrupt myself mid-sentence when something seems to push my head towards the well. I watch as the man’s finger never leaves my mouth. It paints my lips a dark red. I’m…I’m drinking blood. The thought makes me gag but I keep watching. Slowly, more people crowd around and someone shouts.

“She’s alive! She’s breathing!”

I am dead, I want to shout back. I’m watching them from the place of death. I place my hands on the side of the well to get a closer look. I notice that I don’t have hands anymore. I am fading. I stare at my now gone hands wide eyed. My surroundings are dissolving around me.

The last thing I see is Death smiling up at me.

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