October 7, 2024

Martian Alien Spotted At Public Middle School

News The Journal 2024

Martian Alien Spotted At Public Middle School

By: Selena Lin

At my school, Diablo Vista Middle School, there was a new student. The new student had pale skin tinted blue, bright amber eyes, long, dull pink hair, and bright purple eyebrows. We all assumed that the student was a girl. She was very pretty in everyone’s eyes, even with her strange looks, and attracted the attention of many other students. The bell rang, signaling the beginning of school, and everyone walked to their classes. When the teacher asked for her name in class, she took a while before answering, “Bwobwia.”

Everyone noticed her accent and how slurred she sounded; people felt something was wrong with her. Some other students and I watched her during class as she tried to take notes with us. She was very behind, and her handwriting was like that of someone who just started learning how to write. People around Bwobwia started snickering about her name, and how she did things, and when she noticed, black tears slithered down her face but evaporated before touching the desk. The teacher saw everything and decided to send Bwobwia to the principal’s office so she wouldn’t have to face the embarrassment of being in class.

Bwobwia was sent home and told to see the doctors because her features and black tears didn’t seem normal. When we received the doctor’s report on her, we were shocked to learn that after tests were conducted, she was revealed to be a Martian Alien in disguise.

It was the day after we got the test results. When school started, a strange figure appeared in the sky. When it landed, it turned out to be Bwobwia. She let out an angry howl, and strands of black were pulled from the minds of people who made fun of her. The darkness turned into scenes in front of the students, showing the bullies their worst fears. Then, everything, along with Bwobwia, disappeared right into thin air, leaving the traumatized students staring blankly at each other.

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