October 5, 2024

Are We Loving Our Pets Too Much?

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

Are We Loving Our Pets Too Much?

By: Theodore Tong

Pets are becoming more important in families these days. People from different backgrounds are all treating their pets like part of the family, even giving them fancy places to live and special care. Some people worry that treating pets like people might not be good for them.

James Serpell, who teaches about ethics at the University of Pennsylvania’s vet school, says things have changed a lot. He thinks we see pets not just as animals anymore, but almost like our own kids. He’s concerned that this might make us treat them in ways that stop them from being themselves.

In the old days, pets could wander around more. Cats could roam cities, and dogs could spend all day outside. Now, though, it’s more about keeping them safe indoors. That’s why things like pet crates and electric collars are so popular now. Jessica Pierce, who studies ethics in biology, thinks people see free-roaming pets as weird now. She sees a trend towards keeping pets under control more.

This shift has big effects. Some dog breeds with short snouts, like French bulldogs, have serious health problems because people have bred them that way. Also, keeping pets inside more can make them overweight or cause behavior issues. Dr. Serpell has noticed more pets feeling anxious or being aggressive because they’re stuck inside and don’t have much freedom.

The problem with having pets today is balancing how much we love them with what’s good for them. They’re more and more a part of our lives, but that might mean they have to give up some natural things they do. Some countries, like Sweden and Finland, have laws to protect animals from being alone or locked up too long.

Harold Herzog, who studies how people and animals get along, wonders if we’re doing the right thing. He thinks as we start to see pets as almost people, it might not make sense to keep them as pets at all.

With all these questions, experts say pet owners should think hard about how they treat their pets. Dr. Serpell says to enjoy your dog’s company, but remember they’re not human. He thinks we should understand what pets need and make sure they have good lives without hurting them.

As more and more people get pets, we need to be careful. It’s important to love them but also respect what’s natural for them.

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