October 5, 2024

Will a person make fun of people if they can read minds?

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Will a person make fun of people if they can read minds?

By: Albert Sun

There was a person walking in school asking very weird questions to people. He was making fun of people, maybe because they are poor. The boy had a special ability that nobody knew about. He didn’t even know how he got his superpower in the first place; he got it when he was born. His parents didn’t even know about it.

He used his ability to make fun of people. And the teachers didn’t even know about that.

He can just see words next to the head of the people. The words show what the person is thinking about.

So, he chose to do bad things, like bullying. The teachers asked why he was doing these things and how he knew the student’s secrets. He just said it was a special ability, and he was the only one in the world that had it.

But little did he know, there was another student that just joined. And she had the same ability that he had. So, she embarrassed him in front of the whole class by telling everybody his secrets that only he knew about. His secrets were very embarrassing, and now almost the whole school was laughing at him and nobody wanted to be his friend.

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