October 5, 2024

POV: You have the Ability to Read Minds…

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

POV: You have the Ability to Read Minds…

By: Selena Lin

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to read minds? Well, if you have, now you don’t have to because a young girl named Sara has been discovered to have this remarkable ability. Today, she is here to answer some of the most popular questions she’s heard, such as: “What is it like?”, “What is your story?”, “How did you get your powers?” and “How did you find out about your powers?”.

First question: “What is it like being able to read minds?”
Sara: “At first, the thoughts were like crashing waves, with everyone having an average of 150 thoughts per second. After a few months, I got used to my power and could control it. I could read minds at will instead of hearing everyone’s thoughts clogging her brain. To me, my power is cool instead of overwhelming, and no one can hide anything from her. However, because I am different, people sometimes avoid me.”

Second question: “What is your story?”
“I was born an average child, but I always looked and acted strange to others. By strange, I mean I had golden, sometimes violet eyes and tan-colored hair. I also always had an introverted and reflective personality and sometimes spoke in riddles. However, I sometimes also had temper tantrums out of nowhere, and screams echoed through the house during most nights. I almost never acted happy or cheerful and optimistic. I was a seemingly normal human until I received my superpower a year ago.”

Third question: “How did you get your powers?”
“On my 8th birthday, I got interested in a particular type of meditation called the Silva method, and I began performing it for over an hour a day, around four times more than you are supposed to do. After a few months of meditation, I was like, clutching my head and having massive headaches. Basically, overdoing Silva meditation is how I got my powers.”

Last question: “How did you find out about your powers?”
“At first, no one thought anything about my massive headaches and health conditions. They felt it had something to do with adolescence hitting early. However, once it started getting worse and happening daily, my parents took me to my doctor. My doctor didn’t see anything wrong, so I was sent back home. After a while, though, the doctor noticed that my brain seemed slightly blurred compared to other patients, and my family was called so that a test could be performed on me. The test results said that the only possibility was that I had mind-reading abilities, which was confirmed after my headaches subsided.”

Those were the most popular questions and answers, and hopefully, this article taught you more about this girl.

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