October 5, 2024

The White Envelope

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

The White Envelope

By: Kyle Xu

“Carl, it’s time to wake up!”

I woke up and yawned, blinking as my bedroom came into focus. There was my dad, standing by the doorway. “You’re going to be late for school! Breakfast is on the table. Eat quickly, pack your backpack and get in the car.”

“Okay Dad” I murmured groggily, half-heartedly pushing away my fluffy green blanket, getting off the bed and putting on my black slippers. I yanked on my school uniform and wandered towards the kitchen, feeling more awake.

I paused in front of my little brother’s room. It was spotlessly empty, since we had moved all of the furniture to his room in the hospital. I blinked and suddenly, I was falling through a veil of memories. Before I knew it, I was back in the room of the hospital, looking at my brother.

He was sleeping, the breathing mask snug around his mouth. His formally tanned skin was now blotchy and pale. I couldn’t even see his body under all the equipment.

My heart panged and my eyes welled with tears, taking me back to the present. It would be his birthday in a few days. He might not even be able to celebrate it. Ever since the accident, he had been frozen in sleep for days. It seemed impossible. And although he was still breathing, he hadn’t woken up in a week. Doctors didn’t know if he ever will. I was beginning to lose hope.

I took one last look before heading to the kitchen, where I sat down in front of the usual omelet and glass of milk. Opposite me was Bonphy’s plate, prepared by just in case he woke up. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and decided to concentrate on my food before I would get emotional.

I picked up the fork and began spearing pieces of the egg. The food left a warm feeling and the milk was creamy, but my mouth still felt dry and cold.

That’s when I saw it.

A white envelope fluttered through the open window, seeming to stay in the air forever, twirling, until it landed with a soft wump on the table. Right in front of me.

I was transfixed by the letter’s arrival. Where did it come from? And what were the chances that it would fall from the air and enter through the window? I studied the letter, flipping it over and over again. Nothing. It didn’t say who it was sent to. No address on the exterior.

My heart skipped a beat. I stared silently at the letter, my fingers aching to open it.

I had never believed in God before. But now I considered the possibility that this was a blessing sent from heaven. Perhaps it contained medicine. Or a formula for one. To help cure my brother.

“Kyle, hurry up!” shouted my Dad from the car.

“Hurrying!” I shouted back. But I was already tearing open the seal of the letter. My fingers reached inside and slipped out a piece of paper that seemed to glow.

“Dear Human,
I greet you from my planet, ♐♐☢️💓.
Please tell me about your civilization.
I am curious. What do you do daily? What do you eat?
I am supposed to do a research project on a species.
I chose yours, because no one else knows you exist.
But I saw your beautiful planet through a special scope.
My class will be very impressed.
Write back and tell me about your life.
From, Wompavious II ~ ☢️♑”

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