October 5, 2024

The Snow Globe

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

The Snow Globe

By: Zoe Chen

“Ugh, I wish I could just be able to read minds to see what everyone’s thinking about me,” I muttered. I spotted the snow globe I had bought from San Francisco all those years before. I grabbed it off my desk and gave it a shake to see all the stuff inside swirl around.

The next day, when I went down to breakfast, I saw an air bubble on the right of my mom’s head. I screamed. “Mom, what is that right next to your head?” It looked like one of those classic cartoonish air bubbles. My mom looked very confused and felt her head.

“I don’t feel anything. Sadie, are you seeing things?” she said, looking concerned. In the air bubble, words appeared. It read, “Is my daughter hallucinating?” Then it hit me. What if my wish yesterday came true? So, I thought, “I wish that when I go back to my room, there will be a puppy on my bed.” When I rushed back to my room, there wasn’t a puppy. I sat on my bed, dejected. I tried to think of what I did that made my wish come true. My eyes searched all around my room and fell on the snow globe. I finally understood. I wished that I would get a puppy, and then I shook the snow globe again. When I stepped out of my room, there was a tiny cute puppy sitting outside. I screamed with delight and picked it up. I ran to my mom and showed it to her. She asked where I got it, and I just said I found it lurking around in the backyard. She let me keep it, and I was so happy.

The next day, I woke up late, so I had to go to the office to get a late pass. “You are Sadie Williams, correct?”

“Yes,” I said. I then walked to the basketball court because our first period was PE. I told all my friends about my new puppy. Some of their thoughts were full of jealousy, which I was not appreciative of. As the school day went on, I saw many of my classmates’ thoughts, and I didn’t realize how negative they were before today. I now wished that I wouldn’t be able to see their thoughts because I didn’t want to see what they thought of me anymore. When I got home, I immediately dashed into my room and wished that I wouldn’t be able to see people’s thoughts anymore, and I shook the globe. When I went out to see my mom, there wasn’t an air bubble next to my mom’s head anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief. But I still kept my puppy because who wouldn’t?

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