October 5, 2024

The Mirror’s Reflection

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

The Mirror’s Reflection

By: Hannah Yang

The loud sounds of traffic and chatter assaulted my ears as I hurried down the bustling streets of New York City for the grocery store. My refrigerator had been increasingly bare over the last few days. A bright reflection caught my eye, and I turned to see a mirror displayed in a store. It was pretty, with its own stand, the border of it silver and with small intricate designs. Since it looked cheap, I decided to buy it. Besides, I needed a new mirror after my last mirror broke. I stepped into the store, hearing the bells jingling quietly.

“Welcome. Buying anything?” inquired a middle-aged woman behind the counter.

“Yes–which mirror would you recommend?” I asked

“The one over there”

I grabbed a mirror with a delicate frame and two sides, walked to the counter, and handed the mirror to her.

“That would be $13.99”

I sighed–I could have bought groceries with this money; I swiped my card.

“Have a nice day,” the woman said, smiling sweetly.

I didn’t bother smiling back and strode out of the store. After a lot more window shopping, I finally arrived at the grocery store and bought the bare minimum required to make sure I wouldn’t starve. I began the trek back to my apartment, arriving about 10 minutes later. I began placing the small amount of groceries into the refrigerator. I then gently placed the mirror on my desk and collapsed on my chair.

I took out my phone and started scrolling social media (after all, what else was a 23-year-old, unemployed, and introvert supposed to do?) The media frenzy bored me and I placed the phone down. I glanced at the mirror and realized the protective covering was still on. I grabbed the end that said “pull” and peeled it off smoothly. The mirror swiveled and on the other side, the surface swirled. Suddenly, I saw myself in the mirror. But it wasn’t my life. The woman in the mirror wore several pieces of expensive jewelry, and when she got up, the frame followed her throughout her large house. I gaped at the mirror. Could this be some kind of alternate universe or something? I watched the woman descend a long staircase, smiling at a couple of housekeepers while picking up an adorable ragdoll cat. I reached out and turned the mirror over and the image disappeared. I blinked, wondering if I had imagined it all. That was weird…maybe I’m just sleep-deprived… Suddenly, my phone pinged, and I picked it up as a Gmail banner popped up.

To Persephone Mariela:

The Fair Capitol would like to inform you that your debt is to be collected in two weeks. If it is not paid by then, we will pursue legal action because your time to pay it back is almost up.
Best regards- The Fair Capitol

Frick. I had completely forgotten about the loan of $4000 I had drawn out to pay for my apartment. I need to start working at McDonalds or something…

After browsing a few jobs online, it seemed walking dogs was the only thing I knew how to do. After I dropped out of high school because of money problems, nobody wanted to hire me because of my lack of education. Even tho the pay was low, earning $20 was better than nothing. I glanced at the mirror again. It didn’t stir at all. Slowly reaching out, I turned it over again and watched in disbelief. The mirror showed my look-alike again. This time, she was being served an entire feast. There was a long table with a pristine white tablecloth over it. There was a roasted duck in the center of the table, along with an array of other foods. Was this the life I could have had? I turned the mirror over again. I’m going back to that store again…

Dinner was instant noodles. Just like it had been for the past two months. Living in poverty sucks. If only I could magically get money or something…

Journal: Today was spent walking dogs. Luckily most of them were well behaved. Key word most. Some of them were a spawn of the devil itself. Atleast I earned $100 today. I forgot to go back to that shop that sold the strange mirror. I’ll be sure to go back tomorrow. I’ve never believed in magic, but that mirror feels off. Every time I turn that mirror the other way, it shows me the seemingly alternative life I could have had(but didn’t obviously).

I walked toward the shop, the strange mirror in my hand. Pushing the door open, I stepped into the shop. The same woman was at the back of the counter, scrolling her phone. I noticed the name tag clipped to her blouse, and could barely make out ‘Eris’

“You again?” Eris asked

“There’s something wrong with this mirror,” I replied.

“Is that so? Put it here”

I obeyed and gently placed the mirror on the counter. I flipped it over and carefully watched Eris’ reaction as the mirror swirled with dark smoke. She didn’t look surprised or scared. Instead, she looked like she was expecting it.

“Oh…I thought these were destroyed,” she muttered under her breath

Journal: As unbelievable as it may sound, the mirror turns out to actually be an alternative universe. I got Eris’ number, so I could question her about how to enter that AU. If I could take my other self’s life, or at least steal her jewelry, my problems would be solved. And it didn’t hurt that I wouldn’t have to work for it at all…


iMessage Today at 9:03 AM

Hi. Is there a way to enter the AU?

Yes… why?

No reason.
Whats the way

Uh…You have to break the other side of the mirror

It’s that easy?


Good luck

After a day of walking dogs, I can finally break that mirror. It’s about time my life can be easier. I dragged the mirror closer to me and turned it to the other side. The same woman appeared, and without hesitation, I slammed the mirror onto the table. I flipped it over and saw that the other side was an orb of dark smoke. I would finally be rich… I reached a hand into the dark smoke and watched as it disappeared into the mirror. Suddenly, something clasped my hand and dragged me inside. It felt strangely like a human hand…

I caught myself with my palms just before I hit the cold marble floor. I looked up and saw me. It took me a while to process what she was holding–a gun. My blood froze and I scrambled to my feet.

“What do you want,” she said coldly.

“Just a few thousand dollars,” I replied, keeping eye contact, “you obviously have plenty to spare.”

“You don’t deserve it,” she snarled, “you are lazy and pathetic, and you don’t work hard for anything. You deserve to be in poverty”

I lunged at her, seeing red. Crack. She had pulled the trigger. I looked down, not feeling the pain. Maybe because I’m in an AU..? Suddenly, my vision went blurry and I collapsed.


I should’ve worked harder instead of trying to take things from someone else…

I watched as Eris emerged from the shadows and smiled at me.

“People who don’t work hard for what they want, deserve to die”

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