October 5, 2024

Can the Democratic Party Remove Biden and Replace Him With Someone Else?

News The Journal 2024

Can the Democratic Party Remove Biden and Replace Him With Someone Else?

By: Kerry Ding

After Biden’s disastrous debate results in Georgia, the democratic party is seriously considering the possibility of replacing Biden with another candidate.

Due to Biden’s disappointing performance during Thursday’s presidential debate, it may be time for him to resign. But could the Democratic Party even make him step down? If Biden decides to abdicate, the answer is yes. However, if he doesn’t choose to step down, the short answer is no.

Regardless, no matter how Biden is removed, it would be a complicated process causing great political upheaval. But what will happen to the 3,984 delegates that have already pledged to Biden? If Biden leaves, he can release the delegates that have already pledged to him. This would allow them to make a new choice, paving the way for an open convention – something that rarely happens in modern American politics. Additionally, Biden could endorse a successor, but once the delegates are free, they do not have to choose Biden’s endorsed replacement.

Additionally, with the many nominees that could serve as Biden’s replacement, there would be a contentious competition to replace Biden. This would highlight the already major divisions in the party, possibly making future democratic candidates weaker during the fall campaign.
However, there is a silver lining in this issue. This debate happened in June, giving the Democratic Party time to act. If this had happened during the September debate ahead of the presidential election, the Democratic Party would have no more time to fix its reputation, most likely ruining their chances of becoming the winning party.

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