October 7, 2024

Current and Former U.S. President’s Debate: Biden V.S. Trump

News The Journal 2024

Current and Former U.S. President’s Debate: Biden V.S. Trump

By: Kevin Lee

Current U.S. President Biden’s and former president Trump’s presidential debate on the 27th of June led to endless bickering for 90 minutes.

People have expressed concerns for the 81-year-old President Joe Biden and his health and age. After the debate, many have taken it into second thought if Biden should play the role of president.

At the debate, Donald Trump made confident remarks, however, many of those statements weren’t entirely true. President Biden on the other hand had true claims, but he rambled, stuttered, and took a long time to deflect Trump’s claims of him. His cold at the time could’ve been a small culprit.

Trump claimed that when he was president, the U.S. had the best economy in the world. Biden stated that Trump was the only former president to become a convict. Trump apparently had hid payments to a woman that he had a relationship with—even after he was married.

After the debate, things only seemed to get worse for Biden. More and more people believe that Biden isn’t fit to be president. Biden himself said, “I understand the concern after the debate. I get it.”

So far, people are turning their attention to Trump and fact-checking his claims. The results showed that Trump had let out a “torrent of misinformation” on several subjects he was talking about, mostly taxes and terrorism.

Biden has boosted his energy ever since the presidential debate with Trump. Not even a day after the debate, Biden led a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina. He did so with a more energetic presence than the debate.

The elections are in November, so both parties have time to play their moves. It’s now either Trump, a convict and a man of lies, wins, or Biden, a man of his word, but can barely stay awake and say a word, wins.

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