October 7, 2024

Homeless Rates Drop in Los Angeles for the First Time in Years

News The Journal 2024

Homeless Rates Drop in Los Angeles for the First Time in Years

By: Melissa Zhao

Los Angeles has finally seen a drop in their homeless population for the first time in years, and it is looking hopeful for an even larger drop. The numbers are pointing in a positive direction for the city that is so desperately looking for a solution to their problem.

According to a count, as of 2024, there are 75,312 unhoused people in the L.A. County, and 45,252 in the city. This is 0.3% and 2.2% less than last year, respectively. It is already bringing hope to Los Angeles that their issue will be resolved if they all work together and help the homeless.

The city saw a 10% decrease in street homeless population, which is the most decrease they have seen in the past 9 years. Los Angeles also had a 38% decrease in makeshift shelters for homeless people without a home and shelter.

The workers helping the homeless people get into shelters have changed up their method and are more gentle and experienced in convincing the homeless to come into the shelter, where they are safe and supplied with food and water. They have also become more focused on building shelters and making them welcoming.

Many programs, like the Union Rescue Mission and the LA County Homeless Initiative are constantly working on helping the homeless people in Los Angeles. Their goals are to supply all the homeless in Los Angeles with food, supplies, and a safe place to live as a family.

The next step is to start building more permanent supportive housing for the homeless and working on long-term solutions to this crisis and not just short solutions that might work for a month.

Hopefully, a solution is in our near future.

Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/us/los-angeles-homeless-count.html

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