October 7, 2024

Rescue Mission

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Rescue Mission

By: Jessie Sha

A breeze passes by my cell. I whip my head around, but no one’s there. No window. No light. No wind.

Just darkness… and my growing hunger.

“Arella,” someone whispers from above. I crane my head to look up. Nothing. I must be hallucinating from the lack of food.

“Arella, look at me,” they whisper again. I look up again and in the corner, I see two flecks of gold looking at me. Their cloak hides everything else as if they are just a shadow. The figure jumps down and lands in front of me. They tower over me even as they kneel. I’m still staring at their eyes.

“Arella, it’s me,” the figure mutters. That voice, it’s so familiar.

Then it hits me: it’s Azrael, my enemy. The one I should be stopping. I back up into the corner where I hid a dagger.

“Az-azrael, what are you doing here?” I ask, gripping my dagger.

“I’m here to rescue you,” he responds, moving closer.

“So what? You can capture me and try to kill me too? No chance am I going with you.” I back up more.

Not good for a fight but it’s the only option I have.

“No, no, I’m here because I need you to help me.”

“That is something I never thought I would hear,” I scoff.

“It’s something I never thought I would say but here I am. Show me your bonds.” I raise my right foot that’s chained to the floor with cuffs. I was stripped of my boots and coat, leaving me in a rather thin layer of clothing.

“You need a key. It won’t break. I tried.”

“I—” he takes something small and gold from his sleeve, “have the key.” He smiles. The key is not much bigger than my pinky and has glistening gems around the handle that still sparkle even with just the light of a small lantern. While he works, I slip the dagger into my pocket. Once he’s finished with the chains, he scoots closer.

“Here, eat, I have food.” I close my mouth tight. “You need the energy,” he says, handing me a plain piece of bread.

“No, I’ll be fine.” I reply, crossing my arms.

“Suit yourself,” he turns his back to me. I jump at him, putting my dagger at his throat.

“Nice dagger,” he chuckles.

“Nice neck, but it won’t be for long,” I say with a sneer.

“I know I have a nice neck, but you really need to come with me.”

“Move one centimeter and I will slit your throat.” I grit my teeth and push the dagger down a little harder.

He grabs my wrist and twists me around pinning my arm to my back.

“I need you to listen. You are weak. I know we were enemies but there’s something bigger. You need to come with me, or you will die here and so will the rest of your world.”

I stop struggling. I look at him and relax.

“Ok, I’ll go with you.” I mutter.

“Good, but first we need to get out of here.”

Image Credit by Ron Lach

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