October 7, 2024

Would You Rather Live in a Normal or Unusual House.

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Would You Rather Live in a Normal or Unusual House.

By: Albert Sun

In Denver, Colorado, there was a street full of all sorts of weird houses. The houses were on sale, so there was the wealthy man who bought it for a million dollars.

The house looked like a staircase for a giant, with five identical rectangles that were stacked like a staircase. There were many balconies, each balcony had a unique design. One looked round, another one looked like a box, the last one for some reason looked upside down.

The man’s favorite balcony was also the upside down one. But his favorite part of the house was the snack bar. It had all the snacks you could imagine, from candy to chocolate and some juice. Every day the man would have a quick snack and drink to start the day off.

He liked to first take a shower and eat a nice healthy breakfast. Then, he went to work for about 4 hours. After he came back, he would make a quick meal to refill his energy. Next, it was time to relax for a bit. He liked to watch TV or play some video games. Two or three hours later, he made dinner and took another shower. He went on his phone for some time and went to sleep. The unusual house affected his normal routine a lot because of all the distractions this house had. If he was in his normal house, he would do things way faster than in the unusual house.

His life was humble in his unusual house. But he still liked his 10-million-dollar mansion better.

Image Credit by ebahir

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