October 7, 2024

Reincarnation as a Tree

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Reincarnation as a Tree

By: Nathan Chen

If I could be reincarnated into anything after my death, it would be a tree. Trees seem perfect, silent witnesses to the passing years, and so tall and strong from one age to another. They provide shade to people on scorching summer days and protect many creatures like birds and insects. Trees help the environment by producing oxygen, capturing carbon dioxide from the air, and binding the soil.

Being a tree, I would go through seasonal changes deeply. In spring, I would sprout new leaves, showing growth. During summer, I would be in full bloom, providing shade. Autumn changes my leaves into a lot of colors. Winter would take all my leaves, as it is time for rest.

Trees seem to give out to the world around them. They connect through roots and communicate with other plants to share their resources. So, I would be strong.

Image Credit by Marina Zvada

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