October 7, 2024

My Favorite Time of the Year

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

My Favorite Time of the Year

By: Amelia Xiao

Most people tend to dislike winter due to the minimal sunlight and the cold weather, but I really love winter. l enjoy being bundled up in clothing and walking outside in the cold temperatures.

There are many holidays to celebrate and enjoy during the season of winter such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Because of these holidays, everything feels really festive. Lights hang from houses and decorations adorn the interior of our schools. Apart from the fun holidays, I also enjoy the coziness of bundling up with a cup of hot chocolate and a nice book. The days in winter are much shorter than the other seasons, so when I’m at home I can enjoy the beautiful sunsets. Sunsets in winter usually last about 35 minutes.

Typically, during winter, my family and I would go skiing and snowboarding in Lake Tahoe. I love the feeling of the wind blowing against your face as you descend down the mountain. Making snowmen and having snowball fights are so much fun!

Although winter has many fun things to do, one downside I really dislike is stuffy noses due to the cold. They make it very difficult to breathe and sleep.

Image Credit by Simon Berger

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