October 7, 2024

New Discovery of a Type of Moss that can Grow on Mars

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

New Discovery of a Type of Moss that can Grow on Mars

By: Rachel Chen

Scientists have recently proven that a type of moss is able to live in the dry, cold, and arid temperatures of Mars. The moss, Syntrichia caninervis, has adapted to live in places such as Antarctica or deserts that have harsh climates.

The climate on Mars has freezing temperatures, high radiation, and drought. The atmosphere on planet Mars is made of 95 percent carbon dioxide gases and the temperature can get to as low as -196 degrees Celsius. Extremely high ultraviolet radiation also comes from the sun. Low atmospheric pressure is another quality of Mars’ climate as well.

Scientists have now discovered, by doing tests on Earth, that the conditions on planet Mars are no problem for Syntrichia caninervis to live in. Syntrichia caninervis did not just survive in the harsh climate of Mars, it quickly recovered from a massive loss of water. Scientists also wish they can test the growth of moss away from Earth, such as on the moon or Mars.

The scientists who researched the Syntrichia caninervis moss were the first to study the growth of plants on Mars. These researchers hope to be able to find a way for humans to grow plants on Mars.

Some think humans might be able to live on Mars in the future because of this impressive study. Professor Edward Guinan from the Villanova University in the US said, “This lowly desert moss offers hope for making small portions of Mars habitable for humankind in the future.”

Image Credit by Tatiana Syrikova

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