October 7, 2024

Imagine being able to do whatever you want for 24 hours.

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Imagine being able to do whatever you want for 24 hours.

By: Albert Sun

If your parents allowed you to do whatever you want for a day, what would you do?

Well, a kid named Timmy’s parents were very nice and thought it would be a good idea to let their child do whatever he wants for the next 24 hours.

The day had finally come. Timmy woke very early and started the day with an enormous bowl of ice cream and a whole jug of juice. While he was eating, his parents woke up and saw him. They completely forgot about the deal from last night and scolded Timmy.

But Timmy explained the deal from last night and said it was their idea to let him be in charge for the whole day. His parents quickly understood it was their idea and apologized.

So, for an apology gift, they bought him a ginormous bouncy castle and what seemed like infinite snacks and drinks. Then they invited everybody in the neighborhood and all of Timmy’s friends. Their house was way too crowded, so the solution was simple: they rented a whole water park.

After that, all of Timmy’s friends had to leave. But the day was not over yet, because when they got home, they had a sleepover at one of his friend’s houses.

But that meant the fun day was over, and tomorrow was school day. But to Timmy’s surprise, he didn’t have school today. He went to check the calendar, and it was Monday. So, he asked his parents what was going on. His parents said something very surprising. They said they cancelled school and were going to let Timmy be in charge again since he had so much fun yesterday.

Image Credit by JESHOOTS.com

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