October 7, 2024

Two Sentences That Tell Stories

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Two Sentences That Tell Stories

By: Ruyi Lin

His jokes were followed by silence, the twinkle in her eye gone. Contact was withdrawn during his work trip.

She placed the keys on the table and walked out the door, leaving behind a silence that spoke louder than any argument they’d ever had.

He handed her the umbrella as the rain began to pour, their cold fingers brushing briefly. “Goodbye,” she whispered, stepping into the relentless storm, leaving him drenched on the doorstep.

Mark’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. The argument replayed in his mind, and he wondered if he had made the right decision by leaving.

He stared at the empty chair across from him, the untouched panini growing cold, and realized that night would be the first of many lonely nights at home.

Image Credit by Karolina Kaboompics

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