October 6, 2024

Rare Crystals Are Found By NASA Rover On Mars

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

Rare Crystals Are Found By NASA Rover On Mars

By: Rachel Chen

Recently, Curiosity, a NASA rover, found a type of crystal on planet Mars. These yellow and green crystals are one of a kind and made of Sulphur.

Curiosity has been exploring Mars since August 6th, 2012, and has been driving across Mount Sharp, a three-mile tall mountain, ever since 2014. In the time span Curiosity has been exploring Mars, this is the first time pure Sulphur has been found.

The rover had been exploring an area of Mars that was known to be rich with sulfates, salt made from Sulphur and other minerals. Then, Curiosity stumbled upon stones. The rover drove over a rock and cracked it open, revealing the crystals.

NASA’s goal with Curiosity is to learn more about evidence of life on Mars. NASA says the history of life on Mars can be told by each layer of the mountain. They also would like to find out how the terrain of Mars could have provided nutrients for life for microbes.

So far, Curiosity has discovered many things. The rover takes pictures, and has even taken the first selfie on Mars, collects samples, and studies the surface of Mars. All the information Curiosity collects goes directly to scientists and researchers back on Earth.

Scientists think this discovery is very exciting. Ashwin Vasavada, a NASA scientist, says, “It shouldn’t be there, so now we have to explain it. Discovering strange and unexpected things is what makes planetary exploration so exciting.”

Image Credit by Kindel Media

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