October 7, 2024

If I knew there would be a zombie apocalypse in the near future, here’s what I would plan to do:

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

If I knew there would be a zombie apocalypse in the near future, here’s what I would plan to do:

By: Jasmine Sun

Firstly, I would get out of the big cities and escape to the countryside. Many people live in cities because they’re convenient and there are a lot of shops, but if everybody became zombies, I would have to do everything by myself. Because there’s no electricity, gas, clean running water, lights, or heating, and you can’t even grow your own food because there’s not enough soil. I would head towards the countryside.

Finding a spot near a clean water source and gathering supplies such as seeds to cultivate food would be essential for long-term survival. I would just have to make sure I avoid places with extreme weather conditions.

Considering all the facts, Prince Edward Island (PEI) seems like a good place to hide from the zombies. I would block all the bridges to the island because the zombies can not swim. I can make a comfortable home under some hills, like the houses that the hobbits in the movie “The lord of the Rings” lived in. I can hide from the zombies if they get past the bridge. According to the Prince Edward Island government, “water flows through the bedrock resulting in an immense reservoir of fresh, clean groundwater, readily available, close to the surface.” So, I would have a good source of clean water. I could live near a beach in PEI because there are all kinds of clams and crabs on the beaches. I would bring a shovel, and whenever I see a hole in the ground, I just have to dig straight down!

To prepare for this situation, I would gather a team of people who know how to survive a zombie apocalypse. I would also take all my family members to the island. I would recruit someone good at wilderness survival and someone who is a medical professional to ensure that everyone could receive treatment if hurt. Everybody would have a job to do every day. Someone would collect food, someone would gather water, and someone would cook the food that can not be eaten directly. It will be so much easier to survive with a team of people working with you.

Additionally, I would assemble a survival backpack with all the important items. If the government told me to get to safety in five minutes, I wouldn’t have time to pack everything that I needed to survive, so I would have needed to pack up before that. I would take a backpack and put everything I needed to survive in it. I would grab some fresh water, some canned food, and a first aid kit. I would also bring a knife to defend myself, a shovel to dig up clams, and a reusable water bottle in my backpack. This way, I can just take my backpack and escape without having to worry about leaving behind critical supplies.

Image Credit by cottonbro studio

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