October 6, 2024

I know you (pt.4)

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

I know you (pt.4)

By: Olivia Ho

I could feel my heart beating so fast it was like it was being thrown against my ribcage. Constant shivers went through me and my hands were shaking. How? Is he really still alive? And killing people? Fear pumped through my blood, and my stomach was suddenly full.

For the rest of lunch, Veronica and I ate in silence until I spoke up, “Did you find out anything else? About Christian?”

Veronica shook her head, too afraid to say yes, and I bit my lip nervously. “Also, deaths?” I ask timidly. A look of fear in Veronica’s eyes confirmed my question. I sat where I was quietly. We both packed up our things and headed to our separate classes. I dreaded seeing Christian again and my palms started to sweat.

I walked into class and hesitantly sat down at my seat and waited for class to start, but more importantly, for Christian to show up. As the minutes ticked by I didn’t see Christian come into class. I could feel my tense muscles start to relax and my heartbeat calm.

Then suddenly a thought sprouted in my head, what if he was yet again connected to someone dying. My stomach twisted violently, and my hands started to twitch at the thought of it, Why was I cursed by this dream? Why did I have to meet my killer? What is the point of this?

I looked at the clock and waited for the time to pass while my teacher talked about math. My mind kept repeating questions. As I moved from class to class I could only look at the clock in every classroom and listen to the teacher. At the end of the day questions that had been spinning in my mind had mixed with the words my teachers had said.

“Anything wrong?” my mom asked as she took in my widened eyes and confused state. The amount of thinking that had made me tired during class must have started to affect my appearance.

“I’m fine,” I mumbled, and walked to my room before crumpling onto the ground from exhaustion. I forced myself to zip open my bag and take out my books, pencil bag, and computer. Slowly I start doing my homework, but I constantly got distracted, and at some point I stopped writing an essay and instead found myself researching the accident.

As hours go by, I find myself waking up from a dreamless nap, which is a relief, and to my mom’s voice calling me down for dinner. I rub my eyes and tie up my hair while I walk downstairs to eat. The nice scent of cooking soup greets me. I take a deep breath and a seat at the table. I slowly start to forget about my dream and Christian’s encounters with death.

When I look through the window of my room after dinner, the pretty sunset greets me, I decide to go on a walk. After I cross the street I suddenly see a familiar person leave the house I’m about to pass. I stop, it’s Christian. He notices me and starts to walk towards me.

I didn’t know what to do so I just decided to speak up, “Hi.” My hands at my sides start to twitch. Christian stops to think a bit and walks next to me.

“Hello Kayla,” he replies, his words send shivers through my legs. We both walk in silence, You should say something Kayla I think, Say something like, how are you, was today’s homework hard? Or something friendly? Without thinking I open my mouth and say something, and when I look at Christian his face looks angry. Oh no! Kayla, what did you do? I suddenly realize what I had said:

“Why did you kill me?”

I start to wonder how I could take back what I had said but Christian speaks before I can.

“Whats your problem huh?” he asks harshly. My eyes widen at his words. “What’s wrong with me? I have problems? You have problems!” I scream, Christian opens his mouth to speak but I’m faster. “If anyone has a problem it’s you! You’re the one who killed us both in the dream and made me like this! Not to mention the people you were with when they died,” I scream.

Christian looks away and I can tell my words reached him because he flinches when I mention the people he was with when he died. “Kayla, I’m not killing them. They all just drop dead and die,” Christian whispers.

Image Credit by Rodolpho Zanardo

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