October 6, 2024

What do you think of what is shown to kids on the internet today?

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

What do you think of what is shown to kids on the internet today?

By: Emily Ao

What the younger generation is exposed to on the internet today is extremely concerning. Adults complain about how the younger generation is uneducated and essentially dumb, but unfortunately, they’ve never been more right.

Due to the COVID pandemic, many children, some of who are now in their double digits, were stuck with using school-provided technology to learn. Because of this, many children today are too exposed to the internet where they see inappropriate content. Sure, there are limits on school technology and parental controls, but just effective are these?

A primary example of a site that can have a very dark side is YouTube. Generally, YouTube is harmless, just entertaining videos including cooking shows, vloggers, etc. Every restaurant you step in is guaranteed to have a toddler watching Octonauts, Peppa Pig, or just about any kid show on YouTube. But YouTube isn’t just that. Sometimes, inappropriate content can pop up on the feed page in front of young children. Likewise, mobile games work the same way; countless improper ads show up constantly.

Another thing that needs to be talked about is how using too much technology is affecting today’s children. Children are learning countless new terms or online slang that have no meaning whatsoever. Kids at the ripe age of 10 know terms and slurs they shouldn’t be learning. On top of that, these kids learn to use informal language in front of teachers and other adults; their manners are horrible; no respect for adults whatsoever.

In many other ways, the internet impacts kids’ mental health. Cyberbullying is very common, and kids are especially vulnerable. Bullies can reach them easily with no consequence, and children seem to take others’ opinions very seriously.

All in all, children shouldn’t be given technology until a certain age that’s appropriate, definitely not at the ripe age of a few months. Susan, your child can learn while playing with building blocks – you don’t need to hand them an iPad.

Image Credit by Caio

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