October 6, 2024


Creative Writing The Journal 2024


By: Maggie Z

Tina, Room T47, Third Floor

Tina: “Ack! What are these red splotches on my arm?!?”

“BEDBUG BITES?? That good-for-nothing landlord told me there’d be zero bedbugs! And I paid EXTRA for that! Like, a lot extra!
“Ok, what is his email? I am going to give that landlord a piece of my mind!”

Dear Mr. Landlord,

Hi. This is Tina from room T47. When will you get rid of the bedbugs? Yesterday, I moved in. This morning, I found ten bedbug bites on my arm! And I paid extra for a room with no bugs! Please do something about this.

Oh, he replied already? Maybe he’s more responsible than I thought…

Dear Tenant,

Don’t worry. We will take care of it.

-The Landlord

Tina: “Well, that’s just great! An automated message? Is he on vacation or something?”

“I heard Hawaii is a pretty good vacation spot. Maybe he’s in Hawaii. Maybe I should go on vacay sometime, too. It could help with the stress of being a journalist.
“I hope he solves the problem soon.”

Five minutes before Tina’s bedbug situation:

Emmy, Room T46, Third Floor

Emmy: “YUCK! What is THAT!”
Johnny (husband): “Huh?”


Johnny: “I’ll get it!”

Emmy: “MY LAPTOP!!!”

Tina: “GAH!”

Tina: “I’ll get you, landlord! Because of you, I have a GAPING HOLE in the wall!”
Emmy: “Uh, he can’t hear you. He’s in Hawaii.”

Image Credit by Pixabay

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